Dec 28, 2023

Write your screens, get to the design layout

Cleanest way of getting to the design layout

Writing screens is a way of designing that didn't come in handy to me, I saw Harish Bhai using this technique while explaining communication/ information structures.
What he does is, he asks for a notebook (unruled) and a pen (a basic one), get to a new page, and draw the three sides of the mobile screen (left, top, and right). He would then start writing; not drawing.

This way of getting to the design output is really helpful when your designs take more of a communicative stance and not only a functional stance.

Now the question is, what was he writing? It's the story of that screen which we are trying to design.

One might confuse it with the product story, which is different altogether (we'll talk about that some other time). One should know the product story to get to this step.
Writing the story of a screen can be loosely tied to the information structure of a screen, in sentences. This isn't a wireframe where we introduce UI elements to the screen, it's a step before that.

So the sequence is like, product story > screen story > wireframe/ screen design.

Let's imagine you have 5 things to communicate on a screen:

  • merchant name

  • offers on the payment

  • MRP & final payable

  • payment instruments

  • wallet balance

How a screen story can potentially be written is:

"Hi Nandini,
You have decided to make this payment using CREDpay.
You are paying ₹490.00 towards your food order.
You have few offers available on this checkout, let me pick the best one for you.
You also have ₹20 in your wallet which you can use on this checkout, do you want to?
Okay, this is the final amount you have to pay, after the offer discounts.
Here are a few payment instruments you used in the past, do you want to pick one of them, or use a different one?
All set! You can securely pay, and you know what! you will also get a cashback once you make this payment."

This is how we landed the framework for our payment screens: paying towardspaying how much (with all the offer discounts) → paying using.

When you do this, you will know what meta-date should be placed where, and in which sequence. Any other sequence might not make the most sense.

When you do this, you will know what meta-date should be placed where, and in which sequence. Any other sequence might not make the most sense.

When you do this, you will know what meta-date should be placed where, and in which sequence. Any other sequence might not make the most sense.

Try this,
Highly recommended.

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